


The morning of the game was busy. Colt woke up early, kissing me until I woke up telling me that he wanted to start a new superstitious tradition by making love to me the morning of the game. I laughed but agreed to it.

After, he kissed me quickly before heading to the shower. My phone rang, showing my mom’s name on the screen with a video icon next to it telling me it was a video chat. /"Hi, mom,/" I answered moving underneath the blanket more so she couldn’t see that I wasn’t wearing any clothes.

/"Momma!/" I heard Callie’s voice come through the phone before her face came into view.

/"Hi, baby. Did you have fun with everyone?/" I asked her with a smile seeing her nod her head.

/"Where’s daddy?/" She asked me looking like she is trying look past me.

/"He is getting ready for the game. Are you excited to watch him play?/" She nodded again.