

Next morning, Kirito and Vivian sat at the dining table. His phone buzzed with Erika's messages.

'Kirito, you're late! Why aren't you here yet?!'

He looked at his phone and kept it aside while continuing to eat the bowl of noodles. Vivian sat in front of him— gazing at him while he ate and talking to him.

/"Mom wanted me to be your 'perfect' bride. I was taught all household chores, I used to clean our house everyday and cook for everyone—— even from the less or missing ingredients. They didn't want you to complain after we married.

But I thought—— you'd love me unconditionally, even if I couldn't do all that. I wouldn't work a day and at that time I thought my mother was stupid. But I am stupid haha. A human should work./"

He drank the soup and kept the empty bowl aside. He cleaned his mouth with a cloth.