

Meanwhile, Vivian and Kirito were home. Vivian stood in the kitchen while Kirito sat at the dining table. She tied her hair into a ponytail and washed the vegetables. She peeled them and chopped them. Then she began cutting the onions as tears flowed down her eyes. Kirito watched her cook.

/"Why not just skip cutting onions?/" Kirito presented his opinions as someone who had never cooked before.

/"No, then it's not as tasty/" Vivian continued cutting them /"It's okay. I can bear with it./"

She kept the chopped onions aside and turned on the stove. She poured some olive oil into the pan and kept it on it. Till the time it heated up, she gridded some tomatoes. She washed some chicken and kept it in another bowl. Kirito just stared at her work until she was done. She kept the food on the plate and served it to Kirito.

/"Do you want sauce? It tastes better with it./"

/"No, I don't like sauce./" He took a bite of the crusty chicken.