

/"Again this?/" Kirito sat beside her.

/"Oh Hi!/" She said as she passed him a glance. /"Perfect, this will be my today's update./"

Then she began typing something on her phone /"You can eat that calorie rich food. I'm on a diet/"

/"No thanks, I'm not hungry/" Kirito pressed his arms on the table.

/"Okay/" She looked into the phone.

/"Leave that, I want to talk about something with you. I had a strange dream last night and I remembered about the past. I couldn't sleep after that./" Kirito said as he looked at his hands. He took a deep breath and paused for a while.

/"I felt numb once again today morning. I couldn't feel the water's temperature. I've got burns on my shoulders and my feet. I can't sleep with the lights off. I can't understand myself. It's coming back worse./"

He looked down for a while then he looked at her. She was still busy with her phone.

/"Erika/" He said softly.