

Kirito entered the bar and found Erika sitting with another girl.

/"Hey/" The girl turned towards Kirito and smiled.

/"Hello,/" Kirito sat beside Erika.

/"Your boyfriend is hot/" She grinned. /"Right?/" Erika wrapped her arms around Kirito's arm.

/"Who is she?/" Kirito asked.

/"She's my cousin, Nana. Nana, he's Kirito—/"

/"Yeah, you always talk about him./" Nana said.

/"Yeah! We were inseparable before. But now he's changed after marriage. He has started ignoring me—— I take out time for him and he is always busy/"

/"I need to earn. You call me in the middle of nowhere/"

/"Hey did you smoke?/" Erika asked. Kirito clenched the drink glass as Arata stared at him.

/"That Kurosava bastard is up to something again./" Kirito said /"He's after Vivian./"

/"That's awesome!/"
