

Kirito walked towards the man /"Sir, the stamp/" Kirito took a pen from his pocket and signed the receipt. /"Listen./"

/"Yes sir?/"

/"Nothing. Fuck you./" He glared at him and slammed the door.

/"Did I do something wrong?/" The courier boy thought as he walked away.

/"Mama sent it!/" Vivian squealed with happiness and opened the packet. /"What is it?/" Kirito stood behind her.

/"Cheese!/" Vivian said and took a piece of the cheese /"Taste some—— It's homemade./"

Kirito leaned towards her fingers and took a bite of the cheese.

/"Ow! You mistakenly bit my finger, idiot!/" She said as he pulled her finger away. /"It wasn't a mistake,/" Kirito said.

Vivian picked up the box and kept it inside the fridge. /"You should get ready for office now, I'll cook breakfast/"

/"I don't wanna go today./" He pressed his head on the table. /"Stop lazing around! Quickly get ready/"