

/"Why would you feel hungry in the middle of the night?/" Vivian asked as she took out a tray of persimmons while Kirito sat on the chair in front of the dining table /"Is everything alright?/"

/"I usually get up in the middle of the night/"

/"This never happened before though/"

/"I usually drink alone in the balcony when it happens/"

Then let's drink together/"

/"Shut up. I don't want a hurricane in here. Besides, I like drinking alone/" Vivian just smiled and sat opposite to him. The clock struck two in the morning. Vivian yawned as she picked up a persimmon.

/"Christmas is coming/" Vivian puckered out the persimmon peel /"You said you'd take me to the Philippines!/" Kirito sat and ate a piece of it./"Philippines./"

/"I have been meaning to ask——Are you somehow related to the Philippines?/"

/"Why do you think that?/"

/"Because, you can speak Filipino——/"

/"I don't. I only know a few words./"