

/"Who do you think you are?!/"

/"Your boss, you dog./" He said as he crossed his arms /"Now get your asses back to work! Enough slacking off! And nobody's going back home before 11 pm today, am I clear?!/"

'Kirito shouted. For the first time, he stood up for himself. This is a small step but it could mean something big' Sora thought with a smile.

/"I've brought Baleneé from fucking 27th to the 1st fucking position in the entire world within 3 fucking years! What have you retards done in three years, cock blocking? Some of you couldn't even get yourself promoted to a higher rank in the respective departments forget about global scales!

And if you fuckin' wanna resign then please go ahead—— I'll personally fuckin' write down your goddamn resignation letter and throw my stamp on it. Who else wanna join him, raise your sloppy hands. I'd be very happy to clear off some trash from the office and from my life because honestly it stinks!/"