

/"A party? There must be like— a lot of people there, right? And beer and——/"

/"It's not a German village gathering,/" Kirito got up from the bed and looked into her eyes /"It's a place where only businessmen and sophisticated section of the society is to be,/"

/"Rich people?/" Vivian asked.

/"Very rich. Richer than us too,/"

/"What we have is enough,/" Vivian smiled. Kirito looked into her eyes and passed right through her.

/"You have fifteen minutes. Get ready,/"

Kirito waited in the balcony, looking into his phone when Vivian suddenly knocked at the window. He turned back and examined her outfit. She was dressed up in a yellow long frock with light brown boots.

/"Trash,/" He said instantly.


Kirito pressed his temples. Vivian looked at him.

/"Nevermind, let's not go,/"

/"But why?/"

/"Why? Look at you! You're such an embarrassment! It feels so awkward to carry a country girl around—— It's embarrassing!/"

Vivian looked at him for a while and pressed her ring on her chest

/"But I'm your wife.../"

/"Yeah and that's my fault now! Everything is my fault— Look how bad am I—— And you are the good one! You never do anything wrong!/"

/"You cannot hate your wife,/" Vivian held his hand /"We are married——/"

Kirito slapped her hand and pushed her away.

/"I shouldn't but I can't help it. I need to feel nothing! Nothing for anyone. Not you, not my parents. Just work. Because you can't give me what I want,/"

/"What do you want?/"

/"I want to be free,/"

/"What does that mean?/"

/"I don't know. And it's too late anyways,/"

/"It's never too late, Kirito,/"

/"Oh yeah? Sounds good to hear—— Then, can you undo our marriage and my vows to you?!/" He shouted.

/"You never raise your voice,/" She whispered as she moved towards him.

/"Can't you understand—— We don't click and we will never,/" He stood before her and looked away while she looked at him.

/"But I... I want to click together,/"

/"You only hurt me, it's like you exist to hurt me,/"

/"I'm sorry. I didn't wanted to hurt you—— I just want to be with you,/"

/"And that hurts me,/"

/"So, should I just go away?/"

/"I'm afraid it's not possible anymore. My parents won't let me file you a divorce./"

/"But it's your life. You should control it, not them./"

He looked at her and shook his head. He walked out of the apartment and slammed the door.

Vivian sat on the floor, crying to herself. She knew she loved him and that made her sad. Because she would rather die than hurt the person she loves.

Kirito walked towards his car and unlocked the door. He sat inside and looked ahead. He pressed his head on the steering wheel and closed his eyes.

/"She doesn't know anything./" He looked aside and looked at his reflection into the mirror of the window aside.

'And how is that her fault?' He heard a voice inside his head. He got up and walked out of the war. Vivian had washed her face and was ready to change when Kirito suddenly opened the door.

/"Kirito, you must bring Vivian along,/" Mr Hiomi's words into his head.

She looked at him.


/"Let's first get you a proper dress/" He grabbed her wrist and dragged her to the car.

/"Where are we going?/" Vivian asked.

/"To the mall. I'll be getting something decent for you to wear./"

They sat inside the car.

/"Kirito you can drive?/" Vivian asked.

/"Put on the seat belt,/"

/"How do we put it?/"

/"Are you serious?/"

Kirito got up from his seat and kept his knee between Vivian's thighs. He locked the seat belt while Vivian looked at him.

/"That's sexual harassment,/" She said.

/"Makes no sense but okay./" Kirito sat back on his seat and looked ahead.

They stopped in front of a mall and people came running towards their car. They all greeted them as they came out of his car.

Vivian looked around—— Mesmerised by everything she saw. The entire staff of the mall was lined up and everyone bowed as they passed through. Vivian just stared at them in awe and then bowed to them.

/"You're not supposed to do that, you idiot./" Kirito grabbed her arm and pulled her away.

They picked up a black dress for her and decided to directly go to the party venue from there. The lady at the cosmetic store did a good makeup job on Vivian's face.

When they reached the party, Vivian stepped out of the car and fell on the ground. Kirito ignored her and walked towards the party lawn. She held the heels in her hands and ran behind him.

She lost Kirito into the crowd and searched for him. Everyone was staring at her as she stood awkwardly in the midst of the small groups of people. A waiter walked towards her with a tray in his hand. He had various drinks in that tray.

/"Ma'am, would you like a drink?/" He asked. Vivian kept her heels aside and took the tray from him. She didn't know she was supposed to pick one. The waiter stared at her for a while and quietly walked away.

It was nothing like the parties they had in Germany! Instead of gawky country music—— It was classical music everywhere and everyone was so dressed up. Everything looked very intimidating and very formal. She immediately thought of all those stereotypical British people she had heard of in German. How they love rules and order.

It was not a party—— It was just a random collection of people with an old taste of music. Classical music was good but only when it was heard at special occasions—— Like a date or a wedding. A party was not included into Vivian's list of special days.

She sat at one of the tables, staring at people while drinking the whisky. She was alone. But not for very long.