

Kirito's phone started ringing and he stretched his arms towards it. Before he could answer the phone, it hung up. It was Vivian's call. He had 15 missed calls by her.He rubbed his eyes and got up from the bed. His head was hurting and he pressed his temples /"I think I drank too much at the restaurant. Fuck, I forgot to go home./"

He turned back and looked at Erika sleeping beside him. Then, he looked at his phone. It was 15 minutes past two in the morning. He got up and started dressing up. He fixed his hair and washed his face. He left Erika's place and ran towards his car. He started the car's engine and drove back home.

When he opened the door of the apartment, he noticed that it had not been locked.

/"She hasn't locked the door yet? How irresponsible. Well, as if anyone would come here./" He mumbled as he got in and locked the door.