

Fate walked on the footpath with other humans walking right through her. She stopped and looked at her book

/"Don't do it, Death. I'm telling you, you'll regret it way more than you think and in the end, you're the one who'll be left alone./"

'I know, Fate'

/"The person for whom I wanted to love betrayed me, I don't see any reason to move ahead——/"

/"Even when you can't see clearly, you must move ahead or you will rot/"

/"I want to rot. Let my soul rot in the hells of tarnished fate/"

/"Once you're dead, I can't undo it. You know that, right?/"

/"I do/"

He thought something and finally said:

/"This morning, as the dawn light hits your body, I will take away your soul to the blue stairs of fate. If you want to change your mind, you have tonight's time./"

She just nodded her head and he disappeared in the black clouds, leaving her standing on the street all by herself.