


/"Just sit/" He picked up an oil bottle from the table. She sat on the chair and he squeezed the bottle of oil over her scalp.

She looked at their reflection as he massaged her head /"How is this? Am I doing it right?/" He asked.

/"Yes, almost/" She said /"But you don't really know how to do it—— I can do it myself——/"

/"Shut up/" Vivian laughed and closed her eyes with a smile 'Why are you doing this? You'll make me fall for you again, you idiot'

She sat quietly and felt his hands move through her hair.

/"So your hair is this pink— blonde since always?/" He asked /"Yes, I got it from my mom/"

/"Yeah, I've seen her. And your blue eyes?/"

/"They are from my dad./" She said /"But what about your eyes? None of your parents have blue—green eyes like yours./"

Kirito stopped the massage abruptly /"I got it from my grandpa./"

/"I see/" She said /"And also, you're Fili—/"