

/"Sir, the vocalist isn't here yet. He isn't even picking up his phone! We can't contact him!/" He said while breathing heavily from all the running he had done.

/"Why didn't you tell me before?! The show starts at 8:05! It's barely five minutes!/" Ethan said.

/"We went to his home to get him but it's locked! What should we do?!/" The manager said. /"Eat my ass!/" Ethan looked angry as he walked to the backstage with the manager following him.

He reached the backstage and opened the door. The models stood in a line setting up their dresses. It was loud until they saw Ethan and turned quiet. /"Which one of you can sing?/" Ethan asked.

Nobody answered /"What's the matter, sir?/" Sora asked.

/"We don't have a singer, dammit!/" Ethan shouted. Everyone started talking and panicking. Maya looked here and there.

/"I can't just move on the instruments. It's too plain and boring/" One of them said.