

People started asking questions which went deeper than what she was comfortable with. A normal person would simply say that they are not comfortable but she was an idol. She wasn't a normal person. She was breathing money so she must be open about everything. Her life must be a book which everyone can read and judge. Everyone had opinions about her, whether they knew her or not.

/"Have you ever considered getting a nose job?/"

/"... No, why would I do that?/" Vivian laughed. She was offended but she just laughed it out.

/"I think I'm pretty enough to not do surgeries for now. I don't need beauty surgeries/" She answered politely.

Everything she said became a topic of conversation.

/"I'm pretty sure that 90% of your /"beauty/" can be removed by kleenex, you fud!/"

/"She sounds so damn cocky! This German piece of trash!/"

/"She sounds so confident!/"