

Maya picked Ethan up on her back and walked towards his apartment. /"You aren't heavy at all for a man, prez! Tell me your secret diet!/" She stood in front of the apartment's door. /"Is this it? 6556?/" She asked as she looked at the door. He nodded. /"What's the password?/"

/"The same number,/" He said. He seemed completely wasted.

/"Dumb/" She opened the door and walked inside /"Wow!/" She said as she looked at the mess /"My house is the same after any breakup or after some makeup disaster!/" She moved towards the bedroom and lay him on the bed.

She removed his wet shirt and threw it aside. He slept instantly. /"It's so hot and suffocating here!/" She opened the balcony door. /"Much better/" She removed her wet one piece and wore one of Ethan's shirts from his wardrobe. She looked at the lower section of the cupboard and found a woman's clothes.