

/"Yin and Yang were born from chaos when the universe was first created and they are believed to exist in harmony at the centre of the Universe,/" She told us while we still had our eyes closed, /"Yin is the negative energy, cold, dark and feminine while Yang is positive, hot, light and masculine. The point where they meet forms the universe we know and various worlds and realms. Just imagine them to be two blankets covering the universe. They are expanding further as we talk and so the universe is constantly growing and expanding in size. Do you know how a demigod purifies his or her environment? They breathe in the yin and give out the yang.

This is easier for male demigods since their spirit energy is masculine. A female demigod isn't considered holy because she would take in the yang and give out her yin. So, they can't really perform purification. And that is the reason why there aren't any female demigods./"