

Hey guys! It's Kate Roberts reporting! My goal this weekend is to move only enough so that people know I'm not dead. Or so I thought!

/"We are supposed to do a group project for this Chapter!/" Mr. Patrick, the Math teacher, said. /"Make groups of two, one of you will do the worksheet while one will bring some practical applications of all that we've learnt in that Chapter. So, I need volunteers/"

C'mon sir! Do you seriously think that someone would raise his hand for this s*it?! ONLY AN IDIOT WILL DO THAT!

Suddenly I saw my crush, Elizabeth Brown raise her hand.

Well. it's good for our studies and we should always try something new so maybe I'll give in. It-It's not like I'm doing this to work with Elizabeth and get closer to her. Only a douche bag would come up with something like this! I have pure intentions!