

Do you know that we have 8 planets in our solar system

204 countries

809 islands

7 seas people


I know, it's heartbreaking. I mean, how can you face a problem when the PROBLEM is your FACE?!

It's Kate Roberts with you, guys. And today I'll show you the dark side of this world!

It's messed up guys. No matter how you look at it! I seriously think that GAY RIGHTS should be banned in California!

Our government is chilled, you know that? They'll ban the stuff you LOVE! It's just like they'll wake up in the morning, have breakfast, take a bath, sit on their table, keep their finger on their chin and say./"Okay, what to ban today?/"

/"Oh, you like your underwear-oh good, it's BANNED!/"

.Like, seriously? And people are killing each other in the WWE matches, and dangerous sports like dodgeball (Fact: Dodgeball can kill you if you ain't good at dodging)