

Jealousy getting the best of me, I finished my plate and walked out the kitchen and in to the entertainment room. The guys were sitting around watching the sports channel, as usual.

/"Hey, where's Keira?' I interrupted.

/"Patrolling./" Brent's eyes were glued to the television.

A.J nudged him.

/"Patrolling? Patrolling what?/" What the hell is that? Work?

It became a silent stare down between everyone in the room. Am I missing something? Something didn't seem right, and I didn't like it.

/"Um it's hard to explain./" Brent stated. /"It's like work, for our businesses./"

/"Okay./" I did not want to push any further because I felt like something wasn't right. They were hiding something and lying.

I walked out the entertainment room and headed toward my room, well that's what I wanted them to think. I walked toward the steps and stood on the side of the staircase.