

/"Well, I tried to plan this day out for us in such a short amount of time. A spa or maybe a little manicure and pedicure thing. Lunch then maybe the fun zone. I don’t know. What do you think we should do?/"

I listened as Jess suggested what we should do with our day out. I was just thinking about what we can do that takes less time and will get me back home and quick. I pulled my cell phone from my jean pocket. I unlocked it and scrolled to my call log. I clicked the first name that popped up.

'Calling mother' appeared on the screen and the phone rang. I listened to it ring once then go to voicemail. I caved as I listened to her voice in the voicemail for the hundredth time.

I wish she would have gotten a better phone sometimes. Something trackable. Instead, she had some old flip phone.

I miss her voice.

I was losing hope.

I hated this.