

My hands were clammy as I led Tommaso to the parking lot.

He'd instantly agreed when I told him that we should get out of the club and go somewhere more private.

I spotted the red Chevy immediately and double checked the license plate just to be sure.

UXS-899. Just like Lucian had said.

I took my keys out from my purse and started heading towards the car but Tommaso's grip on my arm stopped me.

/"Where are you going?/" His voice was casual but for some reason my heart leapt in panic.

/"My car, you see the red Chevy over there?/" I waved my hand towards the car.

He chuckled. /"That won't be necessary, we'll be taking my car./"

I swallowed down the dread I was feeling.

/"You expect me to come back here for my car?/" I spoke pointedly.

Something wasn't right. I could feel it.

Tommaso gave me a grin. /"No, of course not./"

I almost sighed in relief but his next words had my heart plummeting.