


I almost dropped the hot tray of lemon tarts that I had just taken out of the oven.

/"Sebastian./" I swallowed.

I turned away to put the tray beside the three others on the counter.

When I turned around to face him my eye-brows shot up in surprise. My eyes zeroed on the teddy bear clutched in his outstretched hand. The teddy bear wore a small white chef's hat and there was a note pinned to its chest.

A note having a single word scrawled across it-


My lips twitched as I tried to contain my smile.

/"Is this for me?/" I asked softly.

He gave me a stiff nod as he handed the little bear to me.

/"We should talk./" He said quietly.

I nodded. /"We should./"

I leaned against the counter and looked up at him expectantly.