

/"Kill her Sebastian. Get rid of your weakness and regain your place as il Demonio./"

I inhaled sharply making Sebastian's eyes flit in my direction briefly.

His expression was stoic, giving nothing away. He didn't seem surprised, like he'd been expecting Lorenzo to say those words.

This was Sebastian's ultimate test.

My heart lurched in my chest.

Lorenzo had threatened to go after Sebastian's nephew if he didn't kill me. My bound fists clenched behind my back, he was a child, he didn't deserve to be dragged into this.

She is to die anyway, if you don't kill her she will be handed to our men.

Lorenzo's revolting words flitted through my brain.

Maybe I should have been terrified.

Maybe I should have wept and begged for my life on my knees.

But the truth was, I felt strangely calm in this moment.