


I heard the sound of sirens blaring from not too far away.

/"It's over Dominic./" I stated definitely.

The sirens were closer now, the sound came from all directions indicating that we were surrounded.

/"It's not over! Men, take your positions. Shoot when I give the word./" Dominic screamed.

At once all of his men had their guns aimed towards the door. He grabbed me by the hair again and pulled me in front of himself roughly. I felt the cold metal of the gun press against my forehead just as the door burst open and my father and Jacob stepped in.

/"Put your weapons down now!/" I heard my father's voice order, he was wearing a bullet proof west and he had a gun trained in our direction.

I could see the never ending stream of armed men pooling in behind them.

/"Stop right now, or I will kill her!/" Dominic was hysterical now.