

Sofia's POV.

The next day came and I couldn't stop thinking about Anna's surprise. I trust her more than myself that's why I know whatever surprise she gives me would be the best.

My phone rang and I quickly answered it, excited.

/"Anna please tell me you have the surprise. I'm bored and I can't wait any longer./" I said.

/"Of course I have the surprise Sofia. It's almost sunset right? And anyways make sure Nicholas looks after Emily and Elijah because it's going to be a very long night./" Anna disconnected the phone and I quickly started calling Nicholas.

/"I get we friends Sofia but honestly I'm busy./" Nicholas answered.

/"Please Nick. I just want you to look after Elijah and Emily for a few hours./" I replied.

/"I'll be at your house in the next ten to twenty minutes./" He hang up and I quickly went upstairs to get Emily and Elijah ready. I just hope Anna comes.