

He turns to look up and who I'm seeing made me gasp /"Ya Allah./"

He's the boy, he's the rude boy from the coffee shop. Flashback.

I took my car as I sped to the office because I woke up late this morning, but then I realized my stomach was failing me, they were begging to be fed. I was hungry and I haven't really eaten because I've been so busy lately so I decided to branch a nearby coffee shop to get coffee.

I took my purse and rushed into the shop to order what I want. I got it and on rushing back out I bumped into someone.

/"Ya Allah./" I exclaimed as the hot coffee spilled my dress. /"Can't you be more careful, you just spilled my coffee./" I hear a

masculine voice. I looked up to see who was talking and then I saw him, a very good looking man with his well suited suit on him and his perfected face structure.

Astagafirlah, ya Allah save me from temptation. I blinked twice still trying to remember what he said.

/"Save the checking me out for later, you just spilled my coffee/" he spoke arrogantly and my jaw clenched.

What an arrogant man.

/" , excuse me you spilled coffee on me. I know I bumped into you but it was a mistake and am sorry, but that doesn't say you can't at least be polite or say sorry, mime was also spilled on my hijab/" I told him cleaning the stain on my hijab.

/" do you think i care and you want me to say sorry! I should say sorry? Not possible, you bumped into me, spilled my coffee and you want me to say sorry. You know what i don't have the time to deal with you this morning as you can see I'm late so DEAL WITH IT./" He spat at me fearfully and i shook where I was. Not only was he authoritative but I was also embarrassed because the whole place had turned into a scene.

Inalillahi, how can someone be this rude, he even told me to deal with it, Ya Allah what wrong with people. Is it that they have outgrown manners or what?.

I was still shocked by what happened but I decide to let it go because that's the way Allah has planned my morning, I can't change it.


My dad noticed my surprise because I said spoke loudly that he heard.

/"Hatina, is everything okay./" He asks me.

/"... Ye..s Abba , everything is alright./" I say lying to him. Almighty forgive me for lying but I had no choice. I couldn't tell Abba that I met him at a coffee shop and I spilled coffee on him, then I apologized but told me to deal with it. No I can't say such a thing not when Abba is so happy about me getting married.

Annur's POV .

I raised my head up because dad said I should. I didn't want to see her, I didn't want to know how she looked like or what she was like, although I wanted to at first but not anymore. I was so pissed at this marriage thing that I didn't even give a smile since I came in except from the time I greeted her parents.

Subhanalah why does this face look so familiar, I know her, I know her somewhere.

Ya Allah please refresh my memory. Yes i remember, she's that girl from the coffee shop , she's the blind girl who can't see and spilled my coffee and imagine she wanted me to apologize to her. How can she say that, how can she tell me, annur Abubakar to apologize. No, no he doesn't do that. Annur Abubakar doesn't apologize rather people apologize to him.

I was still staring at her, picturing all that happened that day and guess what she ruined my morning, I was so pissed that morning and I hate it when I'm like that, and she was the cause of it for that I'm going to make her pay.

I was still planing on how I would get married to this type of person but then dad asked me a question.

/"Annur stop staring at her already remember you're not yet married./" my dad said laughing and everyone followed. If only they knew why I was staring.

/"Ahmed, my son has agreed to marry your daughter so now it's left for her to decide also./"

I looked at her waiting for her response I wanted her to say yes so i can show her how they say sorry and apologize in my Dictionary at the same time I wanted her to say no. Eventually she whispered something to her dad.

/"Alhamdulillah, she has given her consent Mr Abubakar. She's going to marry your son./" Her dad said happily as everyone rejoiced. Just look at them planning something that both party don't even want. I could see it clearly in her eyes that she didn't want to so why did she accept the marriage.

/"Masha Allah so let's set the wedding date then./" My dad spoke.

They all were searching for an appropriate day for the wedding and I didn't bother to listen, I was so busy looking at her and then I realized she isn't that bad herself. She's beautiful to say and classy also. But it doesn't still justify to what she did and I'll make her pay so well. A plan came up in my head and I turned to my dad to whisper in his ear.

/"Are you sure you want that./" My dad asked me. /" yes I am./" I replied.

/" Ahmed its like someone can't wait to get married, annur said we should fix the marriage in the next two weeks./"

/"In the next two weeks?. Don't you think its too soon/" her dad spoke.

/"What are you saying fear, two weeks is not two close in fact I think its perfect/" her mom disagreed.

/"Well its okay by us so whenever you both choose/" dad spoke truthfully. I could see her dad turn towards her and she was just quiet and kept her head down not saying anything. I guess it was left to her father.

/"Then in two weeks it is/" her father replied.

I turned to look at her and then i saw her expression it was so funny she was so surprised, shocked and angry i guess she didnt expect her father to agree to it but I wondered why she agreed to this marriage in the first place. But anyhow I don't care its her problem. I'll just have my fun.