

/"Hatina won't you wake up, there's not enough time, you need to get up/". I feel someone tapping me as the voice sounds like Khadijah's.

/"Wake up for what? Today is Saturday and I don't go to work on Saturday, so let me be please, I need to sleep./" I plead rolling on the bed.

/"Ya Allah did you loose your memory or what? Hatina farouk wake up its your wedding!/" Khadijah yells pulling the sheets off me. The sound of what she just said made my heart flinch and my body tremble.

/"What did you say? my wedding? My wedding?/" I ask still in disbelief. /"its my wedding, am I dreaming? I'm actually getting married!/" I fly up sitting straight meeting eye to eye with Khadijah.

/"Yes it's your wedding so go get ready./" Khadijah says while still standing. The thought comes to my mind again, if I'm getting married, I'm definitely getting married to someone and that someone is.... Oh my lord. Ya Allah
