

By the way it only i, my husband, and workers that rarely stay in the house.

Annur said the workers only came Monday — Friday and works really early on Saturday and Sundays so that means they won't be around by now and I'm free to move about with my skirt and crop top.

/"Ya Allah I have to cook for annur. Agh he must think I'm a terrible wife!/" I hurry outside of the room to go to the kitchen.

/"Hey, I'm done./" I tell Annur as I stop on my way to the kitchen. /"Ohh.... Ok...ay/" he stammers.

I can't quite guess what is the reason for his stutter because annur doesn't do that, not like me though but I pushed it aside as I continue to walk to the kitchen.

I open the cupboards one after another looking for what to cook, before I finally find spaghetti, so I decide to make spaghetti and fish stew with deserts.

Everything is almost ready when a sharp pain arrives at my finger.