

/"Annur drop me down now!/" I said

/"Or what?/" He spins me around making everyone laugh.

/"Annur, Annur please okay I'm sorry/" I say pleading.

/"Annur that's enough before you cause her another headache,/" Dad says approaching and he drops me down and I hit his arm

/"Ouch,/" he grinned.

/"Well you deserve it,/" I tell him

/"What's going on?/" Faiz says coming down with sleepy eyes. /"Hey sleepy head,/" Faiza said.

/"Hey tomatoes head,/" He says back.

/"Tomatoes head, seriously?/" Faiza raises a brow. I chuckle as they both argue and then I recall what I'm supposed to do today.

/"Oh no no no, Ya Allah./" I say as they all turn to me. /"What happened?/" Annur asks the instant.

/"I'm suppose to go shopping with haleema today for her wedding, I'm such a bad friend./"

/"Go and get dressed I'll take you./" Annur says.