

I pick the call as I go out. /"Sir, I got to every police station here and gave them details of Mrs abubakar but they didn't seem to find anything sir,/" Chris says.

/"What do you mean they can't find her. Chris I'm going crazy, what do you expect me to do huh? Go back to those officers and tell them to look properly and find my wife,/" I tell him.

/"I'm sorry sir, I'll get right to it./" chris says. /"Did you get me the detective I asked for?/" I ask him.

/"Yes sir, I got him. He's name is detective Milan and he's coming over to the office/" chris answered.

/"Is he good, an expert?/" I ask him. /"Yes boss he's really good,/" Chris says.

/"Okay you know what, tell him to meet me at babo's coffee/" I say to Chris.

/"Yes boss./" He agrees. I take my car and arrived at babo's coffee as I enter and sit waiting.