


I was lying in my room replaying all the discussion I just heard and it made my heart sink as I worried about that. The knock from the door made me break out from my trance.

/"Hatina can I come in./"I heard Abba say.

/"Come in./" I say sitting up /"I know you came to talk about that same issue right?/" I say to Abba as he came in.


/"Yes I am but this time I just want to give you some advice and then its left to you to decide, I won't force you. Hatina I decided to bring about marriage to you because I saw a respectable family with morals and everything a family is to have, I don't just choose out of the blue, if Allah has destined this to be your life even without meeting the family you can begin to love, to build a fresh start, hatina I'm not going to force you to anything you don't want to and I have already spoken to your mother./" Dad spoke . I wanted to ask Abba why umma was always behaving so cold to me but I decided to let it go, that conversation was for another day.

Hearing those words from my dad made me feel wicked, like the one thing he ever asked of me and I refused to do it. No it not possible, I will not make him sad , I love him so very much I can't see him hurt even if he doesn't say it, and he can't see fire and want to throw me inside, besides, that just the way life is maybe there is better to come out of these.

/"You are my daughter and I love you so dearly that I wouldn't put you in harms way, but you should know a lady's time doesn't take long and I only want the best for you/" he is right. As much as I dislike this idea, he is right. Dad stood up and was about to leave.

/"okay, I will get married Abba, I will accept the marriage./" I told my dad before he got out and I saw a big smile on his face showing he was indeed happy at my decision.


Annur's POV.


/"What are you taking about? you are both joking. Get married now? No, no way, marriage isn't what I'm thinking right now, mom you must be kidding right? I know you are./" I tell mom but she seem to be really serious about this. What are these people thinking?

/"She is not joking annur! Tell me, what do you do apart from your work at the office, after that hang out with girls and friends, take them to your bed, tell me apart from that what responsible thing do you do? I've told you several times that I do not support your behaviors but you think I'm just bluffing, but now you know I'm serious when I say you will get married,/" Dad speaks angrily.

That is the first time I'm seeing dad angry and its looks like it really means something to him, but still I can't get married, I won't get married.

/"But dad how can I get married now? I'm not ready, I don't even have any one to get married to and I.../"

/"Oh, so now you don't have anyone huh? Why don't you get married to any of those girls you sleep around with huh?/" mom says with anger lacing her voice.

/"Mom we both know they are not worth marrying and even if I bring one of them none of you will give your consent. I know you don't like me talking about ladies like that mom but that's just the plain truth./"

/"Annur!/" my mom yells in plain disgust.

/"You know they are not worth marrying, yet you take them to your bed, isn't it? Anyways I and your mother have found a suitable home with a responsible daughter that I'm sure she will make a good wife./" Dad replies unexpectedly.

/"Oh really is she beautiful, if she's not then I'm not interested./" I shove away their response. I know dad is just joking. He's trying to trick me again just like how he said he was going to buy all the shares in my company if I refused to stop taking different girls to my bed.

/"Annur! What's wrong with you?/" mother yells.

/"Leave him let him say whatever, the day he gets married he will know that I Abubakar, I'm his father and what I say is final./" dad says leaving angrily.

What the hell?

They're serious. They're fucking serious.

/"But dad I can't, I'm sorry I can't./" I try to speak after him but he doesn't listen but leave.

/"Annur whatever you say won't be heard anymore, you are getting married and it's final. And this time I am not taking your side, no matter what./" mom speaks getting up to leave also.

I feel shocked and bewildered by my dad's behavior. He has never behaved like that, because I always have a say.

What will i tell hani? I told her we were getting serious in this relationship, but did i really think that? I just told her what she wanted to hear because deep down I know I don't have that much feelings for her.

Maybe she isn't beautiful, maybe she looks like she just descended from heaven either way I'll find out because this time I know I'm not getting my.

Who knows, I may find out maybe this whole marriage thing might actually not be a bad idea.

Oh Annur shut up!

Ya Allah forgive me for what I'm saying is wrong, but I don't want to get married. Even if I am to get married, please make her beautiful and hot too.

Oh and loving.