

/"I'm afraid we'll have to run some test,/" She says.

/"Test? Okay,/" I say kind of surprise. Well I wasn't expecting anything like it, I just thought i will be prescribed on a drug to take.

I agree to the test and my blood taken. I guess I'll be here a little longer as I bring out my phone to text Annur.

Hatina: I'm at the hospital but I'll be here a little longer, they have to run tests.

Annur: Test? For what, see I told you we should gone have earlier. I'm sorry you're in all this.

Hatina: it's not your fault baby. I've already taken it and by the way I told Alex to come home I'll be coming back myself.

Annur: Hatina what is this? How can you come back on your own with no car.

Hatina: I can take a cab.

Annur: I don't like it, don't make me angry. I made it clear to you that if you don't want Alex to take you I would gladly do it.

Hatina: I'm sorry annur, I'm really sorry please don't be mad.