

/"Hello my love,/" Hani says as she puts it on speaker so I can hear also. Who is she talking to? I think its Annur.

/"I'm here with your wifey and she's really in pain,/" Hani says.

/"Hani don't you touch her, I swear if you do../" Annur says before hani cuts him off.

Alhamdulilah he's fine it's so good to hear his voice even if I can't see him. I miss him a lot. I don't know how many hours I've been here or days but it feels like years not seeing Annur.

I miss the way he drags me closer to him, care for me, take me on romantic dates, sleeping on his chest.

Ya Allah save me from this so I can get back to my beloved Husband and so I can tell him about his child I'm carrying, he needs to know.

Ya Allah please.

/"What will you do, huh? you can't do anything. Now she my prisoner and I can do what I want to her. In fact I have just dealt with her,/" She laughs hysterically. /"Infact I slapped her, beat her, hanged her on.,