

Annur's POV.

What am I suppose to do? Hatina is still not awake. I'm still with my family and we haven't heard a word about her condition.

My innocent little tigress, my habiti, my love, my heart, my everything and now she's not with me, she's not waking up.

I'm worried, I don't just understand my life anymore. Allah made Hatina to come into my life and now he wants to take her back, when I'm madly in love with her, she's the only thing that's keeps me going, the only reason I find the contentment to live.

/"Annur she's going to be okay,/" Dad says. /"Dad but she still not responding,/" I argue.

/"InshaAllah she will, just believe in Allah he would perform his miracles/" Dad tells me.

/"How can I? when he's making someone I care about suffer because of my mistakes,/" I reply.

/"Annur don't say that, if Hatina were to be here, she would tell you never to give up and not to talk this way to your creator,/" Dad snaps.