

That rat.

That monkey

That cockroach

Oh my God.... I'm so pissed right now.... I'm... I'm gonna..... Oh


I feel like kicking him in the balls and then looking at his face at how

much pain he would be feeling, and smile at him while I call him a

cockroach, and I squeeze it again and....

Can you believe him.


He humiliated me, in front of all those guards and his stupid personal

guards shoving me to the side like I'm trash.

The event started and the enterprise is extremely crowded, while I I'm

left here to just wander about. The most annoying thing is, they had

restricted me from going to my office and worst of all is, I left my

purse at the office yesterday with all my money and my debit card inside

it. I thought I placed it into my bag yesterday after getting lunch, but

I didn't.

But no that isn't even the problem, I'm starving. I didn't get anything

to eat this morning because I ran out of foodstuffs and due to my purse

being in the office I couldn't get any yesterday.

Can my day get any more worse?

I just wonder how kiki is doing, I gave her the last plate of her food

before i left for work hoping I would come back early, so I could get

some foodstuffs.

My stomach grumbles as I stare at the full crowd, all waiting for Mr high

and mighty to come out and give them his speech.

Mcthewweee. I hiss internally.

It didn't take long for my tummy to grumble again as the people who stand

beside me give me a look.

What? You've never been hungry before?

I turn my face away. I couldn't bear this, I'm not taking

this, I'm going to confront that pothead, and I don't care if it costs

me my job, I need to get food before I actually die.

How will I possibly get to him? I don't even know where the hell he

is? And these securities will definitely not let me in, not after what

their boss told them.


I thought hard as nothing came to me. I was starting to get really

hopeless and gloomy when I sight Chris, a security guard here.

Also known as my childhood boyfriend.

Yep you heard that right.

Chris was one of the hottest guys in 8th grade and I couldn't help but

drool over him then. So one talk led to the other and then he asked me

out for a schools event and I said yes and that was it.

Wait but that counts as being asked out right?

Or not.

I run to him quickly, bumping into his front.

/"Hey Rosie/" he smiles at me. Oh lord, he still has that smile.

Yeah you know that smile that someone gives you and you start to feel shy

all of a sudden, suddenly getting all jittly and feeling like you're a

new bride.

Well yeah...

Oh please like I'm the only one that feels that.

/"Hi Chris/"

/"what's up/"

/"Well nothing much/" I smile way too much and he cocks his brows knowing

I'm indeed lying. /"Okayyyy... You heard about my encounter with Mr Fox,

I'm sure you did, it's all over the place/"

/"Yeah I did. I'm sorry about that. How are you feeling? /"

/"Well apart from being publically humiliated, I feel great/" I lie.

/"I'm sorry. If you need anything just tell me/" he speaks placing an arm

on my shoulder. I'm 5'7 and Chris is way taller than me, so to him I

look short and he has said that like a thousand times.

Who the hell calls a 5'7 short?

Tall people.


/"Actually about that. I was hoping you could do me a tiny favor/"

/"what is it?/" he asked being serious.

/"I was hoping you could help me get past these guards. I'm really hungry

and I just need to take my purse I left at my office yesterday, that's

all, then I can send someone to help me buy something to eat/" I lie to


If I told Chris it's because I wanted to talk to Mr Fox, that would be a

big no.

They were indeed his guards, they had to protect him.

/"Rosie... You know I can't do that. How about I tell someone to get you

food, and I'll give them the money, I would have gone myself but I have

work to do/"

Nope, I'm not agreeing to that.

/"Chris, that's wonderful. Thank you but you know I can be very

selective, please I just need to get my purse/" he looks at me for a

while before sighing. I do feel bad for lying to him about my true

intentions but i can't keep staying here like a prisoner. If he wants to

fire me he should do it immediately and not make me wait like a damn dog.

/"Fine. Just get your purse and come out/"

/"of course/"

/"But I'm just going to direct you where to go so you would avoid them

all, I'm not going with you because I have work to do for Mr Fox, before

he comes out, which he will soon/"

Now I know where he is. Thank you Chris.

I'm happy Chris won't go with me, so even if I get caught, he wouldn't be

any part of it and no one will know he helped me.

/"That's great. Thank you so much/" I tell him as he directs me where to


I have to pretend as if I was going to the restroom because the turn was

by that side, so that's what I did. Chris said to take a right after

that turn and a right again and then I would take the stairs down. When I

get there, there is an elevator meant only for maintenance and then I

could get to the floor I want.

And I did just that, but the problem is Mr Fox floor is not in the

elevator. I Always wondered why he only takes specific elevators. Like

why would he want to be isolated on a top floor, all by himself and if

you want to see him, you have to take this specific elevator.

Like what if he's in trouble and he needs to get out and that elevator

has been compromised. What will he do then?

Dumb rat.

What I do is, take another elevator to my floor, I want to get my purse,

but even if I did, I still can not leave this premises as commanded by MR


But something in me says I should pick it up. I rush to my office picking

up my purse, thankfully it's still there and rush out.

I know where the specific elevator is because everyone talked about it

but not used it, apart from his personal guards.

I take the elevator and pressed the top floor and I wait nervously for

when I get there.

What would I say to him, when I see him?

What would he say to me?

Oh boy he is gonna be so mad.

But I don't care. Even if I loose this job that would be a huge fall for

me, but kiki and I can manage, after all I have some savings to last us

for some time.

The elevator finally came to a stop as it dings and I step out.

No shit.

This place is amazing, even more beautiful than the whole building. It

looks like you are in another world, the walls, doors, everything

about it screams tech.

Which makes me feel giggy. What if there are cameras which I'm sure they

are, but they just aren't watching right now because if not they would

have swarmed this place and thrown me out like a popcorn.

I keep on walking hoping to see a door of some sort but nothing, I only

hear voices, more like moans.

Oh my little finger....

Is Mr Fox...... Oh my God.

That's why he's late.

So the high and mighty bangs.

A dirty thought immediately coming to head as I proceed further, which I

shouldn't but I do.

Maybe I could get a view and take a picture of him and whoever that is

and then blackmail him into not firing me.

God.... What I'm I even thinking, that's a really bad idea.

1)i have to be pretty smart to go about that, which I'm not.

2) He definitely has people everywhere that could take me out, find out

my identity even if I try to hide it and flip my life screwed.

3) I don't think it would even work out.

But that didn't stop me as I walk closer to the moans, and see a door


And what my eyes is seeing, make my knees go weak and my voice scream.