

/"He's been arrested/"

The words leave Dan's lips and I feel it hit me like that of an heart

attack. My legs soon begin to feel wobbly as I remain shut and quiet not

able to muster anything to say.

/"How.... Who... How come?/" my mind already running to different


/"Zion called./" he replies. The mixture of shock and heartbreak is

definitely not a good combination as what I feel is definitely not

explainable. I bat my eyelashes more than once trying to fade away the

incoming tears while looking around.

No this isn't the time to cry.

Realization dawning upon me as soon as I realize just where we

are. Thankfully, no one is looking as I turn left to right only to catch

a gazing cecelia. But that didn't matter, she doesn't matter right

now, only Liam does and I have to see him.

Without saying anything I start walking towards the exit and the rest