


That's the only thing on my mind. I can't seem to concentrate on anything

else, rather than the fact that Liam is facing trial today.

In derinham all a judge needs to prosecute a case is a good evidence. If

you're found guilty you would be granted three more trials to be proven

innocent and if not you'll be taken to serve your sentence, but if not

guilty at first trial, you'll be granted release until a better

evidence can be proven.

I look across the three in the room. Kate sitting on the chair, while

Zion and Dan stand still waiting for my orders. /"What do you all think?/"

I ask them, scrolling through the last file for me to sign.

Running Fox enterprise has been hectic and tedious. Honestly, I don't

know how Liam does it, but he does it good. The past four days has gone

by me working my ass off to meet up with the recent happenings at the