


/"Sure we'll be there/" I hang up.

I watch Rose as she giggles with Marianne and Kate. Rose called Marianne

inviting her to the wedding and Marianne decided that she would also help

out with the preparations.

In two weeks Rose and I would be getting married and my feelings towards

that is quite bewildering. It's a surprise to me also, that I'm going to

be getting married, because who would have thought?

A thorium and a human.

Pauline at first was sincerely shocked but estactic at the the same time,

as other business associates.

The invitation has gone a long way now, considering it's entry by

invitation, and I still have Zion telling me there are still more we

haven't gotten to. For something like this, it's expected that almost

everyone would want to attend the wedding of the year, and it is going

to be the wedding if the year.