What is standing in front of me, I couldn't imagine.
What..... H.... How... I..... Isn't....
Oh.... My lord.
What is that?
I Scream again as the thing in front of me or rather the person who is
supposed to be Mr Fox, turning into....... Objects....
His hand, was metal just a while ago and now his head.... Oh lord....
H.... His... His head is like... Like a robot....oh....
Oh no, no no
It... Can't be... It can't.
There is only one thing that is capable of doing such a thing and I have
never seen it, only their videos about them being the new generation.
Oh my God.
A thorium?
My purse immediately fall out of my hand, bringing me out of my trance. I
need to get out of here. I don't know what that thing is doing or how I'm
not dead yet, because I sure am going to be when it looks my direction.
And I'm sure as hell, this is not something he would want other people to
And definitely not an employee.
Worst of all, definitely not me.
I bend down to pick my purse and on raising back my head, I notice two
feet standing in front of me.
Oh no......
This is like that scary movie I watched with Josh, my neighbor's son,
where a lady was killed while tying her shoe lace.
Oh God... Please no
Please no
Please no
I raise my head as slowly as I can but the feets still remain there.
God..... I haven't even had a proper boyfriend yet....... Please don't
let me die yet.
I still have a lot to repent for.
My hands trembling, my lips on kinetic motion as my body did nothing less
while I rise my head finally, meeting face to face with Mr Fox.
Oh Rose, why can't you just mind your business and stay put.
/"oh yes, why didn't you just stay put/" his voice husky and calm. Wait is
he talking to me?
Did I say that out loud?
I blink my eye twice /"it's all just a bad dream, just a very bad dream/" I
mutter to myself but upon opening my eyes he's still there.
/"Aishhh.../"i throw my purse on the floor as my two hands goes to my hair.
I'm definitely going crazy. My hair, unbelievably starting to itch as I
rumpage it.
Now I'll agree I look like a chicken.
Suddenly I feel hands wrap around my wrist forcefully as they drag me
Wait what.... Where.... Who...
Mr Fox startes to drag me to his office where he had..... Transformed. I
try to break free but it is like I'm just blinking.
I am definitely going to die. If he didn't kill me there, he is
definitely going to now. Maybe he didn't want to create a mess and let
anyone know. And that's how no one will remember me.
Oh my God.
He shut the door and without him even locking it, I hear the lock sound
click on.
How... How did he..
He's a freaking thorium.
/"please don't kill me/" I beg as he comes closer to me and I take steps
back until finally, of course, I hit the wall. /" I promise I'll resign,
you don't even have to tell me. I don't even need to pick anything, I'll
go right now. Please/" I beg tears already forming in my eye as he comes
Oh lord almighty, save your creation.
He comes so close that I can feel him so close to me, it feels like I'm
/"What was my instructions?/" He suddenly speaks being so close to me that
I feel everything of his.
My lips trembling as nothing comes out of them, too terrified to even say
a single word.
/"Miss Micheals/" he speaks and all the nerves in my body immediately came
to life as my name erupted his lips.
Oh.... God.
His brown orbs shining brighter than any other diamond I have ever seen
as he stares at me.
/"in case you didn't hear me. I asked, What was my instructions?/" My mouth
suddenly feels dry as he comes closer to my earlobe and whisper this
words gently, all so frightening.
/"You.... I..... W... Said../" I shut up as I'm not making any sense. How
can I? When a thorium is this close to me.
He retracts back as he now stands inches away from me while I let out a
huge breath.
/"please don't kill me/" I beg, my knees shaking.
/"sit down /" He orders.
/"You should know by now, I don't like repeating myself/" his voice cold.
My legs immediately finding their ways to the chair, as I sit while he
stands behind me.
This is definitely the worst way to die. At least if he wants to kill me,
he should at least do it from my view.
/"Tell me, who sent you?/" He comes closer, as I soon began to feel his
heat radiating off.
Now what is he talking about?
/"I.... I don't understand/"
/"why are you here and who sent you?/" he asks again.
To say I am really terrified will be an understatement. This man gives me
the chills and that's what scares me the more.
/"No one.... No.. One sent me/"
/"Then why are you here/" I feel his one hand lean on the head of the
Is he planning on strangling me?
/"I.... Oh God.... I.. /"Thinking of the reason that I'm actually here
makes me even more stupid.
His fingers leave the chair as he strides in front of me. I can't help
but look at him, and man, if I wasn't in this situation, I am definitely
going to drool.
He squats before me, as he stares at me deeply.
/"Mr Fox, I am so sorry. Please forgive me. I promise I won't tell anyone
what I saw, I swear. I'll even resign. Please/" I beg.
/"Miss Micheals/"
/"Do you know what I want from you now? /" he asks and I nod my head
/"what I want from you now, is to be completely honest with me? And if
you're not, then we'll see where that gets us/" his expression so stern
that I wouldn't even dare lie. /"Can you do that?/" he asks and I nod my
head forthwith as he gets up.
/"Why are you here and how did you get here? /"I swallow the saliva in my
throat as I prepare to answer my fate.
/"I... I took the maintenance elevator and got to my floor, after reaching
there, I took the elevator to get to your special one and then I came
here. I wanted to talk to you, I was so hungry, that I.... Couldn't think
and I left my purse in my office yesterday and the security wouldn't let
me because you ordered them and asked me not to leave. So I was hoping I
could see you and.... And... Give you my resignation letter, if you won't
let me leave. I'm so sorry Mr Fox. I didn't mean to intrude/" I beg as
tears wells my eye.
I'm so scared right now and when I'm scared, I start to cry. I couldn't
tell him that one of his securities helped me. No. If I am going to die,
I am going to die alone.
Oh lord..... No that's not what I mean. I mean, I am going to die
/"And how did you know about the maintenance elevator?/" He asks.
Well I wasn't expecting that. They did say they are pure AI, now I
My question now is, will it be wise to lie or not about how I knew the
/"The day of the event held for Vesco limited, when someone tried to break
in and all the elevators were compromised, I saw the securities going
through there and that was how I knew about it/" I lie shaking.
My heart thudding, beating faster than I could even count. Would he
believe that?
No he won't. Of course not.
/"See, I have a question. Do you know what I am? He gets up as he is now
standing above me. What kind of question is that? But of course I
couldn't ask him that, except if I want an early death wish.
/"Do you... know ....what they call you?/"
/"I'm asking, aren't I?/"
/"They say you're the next generations of pure AI, smartest...of them all.
A thorium /" I answer vividly.
/"You're smart. That's good. Then you should know that I am smart enough
to tell when you're lying /" oh mother..... I knew it was a bad idea. The
tears instantly falling from my eye.
Now I'm going to die.
/"You see, I could see the way your body changes. When you tell the truth,
your heart relaxes sending signals to your brain and your face calms, but
then you lied and then I could see all the nerves in your body erect/"
/"So miss Micheals, how did you get here?/" He asks again.
No, no, I'm not giving up Chris. No matter what.
/"I swear Mr Fox, no one sent me here, what I told you is the truth, even
though I did lie about how I got here, but I have no Ill intentions
towards you. I only wanted to see you, so you could tell your securities
to let me go. I'm so sorry, but I can not tell you how I got here. Even
if you're going to kill me, then its okay. But you too said so, you can
tell when I'm lying. So am I? /"
His expression vague for a bit and his stare on me is confusing.
/"No/" He spoke.
/" So are you going to kill me?/" I ask.
/"That is not for you to know? /"
/"But it is my life/"
/"And it is my secret. If you hadn't been so stubborn and listened to
instructions like I told you. I wouldn't have to take drastic measures /"
/"Because I know your secret? /"
/"I promise.... I promise, I won't tell anyone. I swear. If you want I
could resign, I'm going to infact, but please don't kill me /"
/"Oh I won't have to. When I'm done with you. You'll wish you never came
up here/"
/"And what would you do/"
/"well, you'll see. Won't you? /"
My hairs rise at only the words of this man. This unpredictable man, that
I manged to get myself entagled with.
/"First, you know my secret, which means I can't let you go. Second, I
don't trust you. Third, you're too stupid and blab all the time so here's
what's going to happen. Pack your things, my men will pick you up at the
end of the day and say goodbye to your normal life/"
I think I just became deaf.