Every creation has it good and evil. Just like a plant may have thorns
and another may not, as a human may be good and other bad.
Just like there is always two sides to a coin, two sides to a story, two
sides to everything.
/"Mom, I can take care of myself/"
/"I didn't say you couldn't, but as your mother it is my duty to care
about your safety/"
/"oh mummy, and I appreciate it. But it's just an enterprise, it's not
like I'm going to die or something/"
/"no it's not just an enterprise, the biggest enterprise, and I heard they
are very cooperate and knowing you, well.....you're so clumsy/"
/"mom... are you saying I'm not fit for the job? /"
/"well I didn't say that, I just think you should think about it properly
before going to work there /"
/"Mom don't you worry, I'm a big girl, it's Fox enterprise we're talking