

/"Breathtaking, sexy, beautiful, gorgeous, hot, ravishing,

extraordinary..../" I just stare at the lady who Liam called Marianne in


I don't remember ever meeting her.

So how does she know me?

Could I have met her and forgotten? I don't think so.

What did she mean by we all do?

And Liam.... Ugh I'm so going to beat his fine ass. He didn't tell me

anything and just kept acting all mysterious, and he calling me baby



Not that I'm complaining.

I love it, as long as it comes out of his lips.

I don't know what to say because I just keep on looking left to right,

again and again, watching Marianne pick a ton of dresses.

If I'm not dumb, which I'm not, I should know she would want me to try

out all the dresses.

The shop is beautiful decorated, with lots of fashion in style, dresses,