

The purr from the small motor attached to the dinghy suddenly starts to cough and splutter, drawing Adele’s attention away from scanning the river ahead, as the motor cuts out, and the dingy starts to drift into mid-stream. Quickly she grabs the reserve fuel can, and after a short struggle with the cap, is able to fill the motor with the required petrol.

She pulls on the starter cord frantically, as the small dinghy has been caught in the current of the river, and is heading towards a pod of hippo in its path. The hippo snort and grunt at the approaching object, and a few slip beneath the surface of the dark water, increasing Adele’s frantic efforts to restart the motor. When all of a sudden the motor springs to life, and she turns the dinghy away from the pod, and starts to head up river in the direction that she’s sure Debi’s abductors have taken.