

Piet sits with his guests around the camp fire, simmering slowly as he watches the Frenchman charm the young ladies. After all being charmed by the women guests was one of his perks, who the hell did the bloody Frenchman think he was, anyway? Thank heavens he thinks to himself, only two more days to go.

With resignation, Piet decides to just accept things as they are and hang onto the knowledge that the safari is nearly over and Monsieur Le Vee would just be a happy memory. The Frenchman’s next words jolt Piet back to reality.

/"Monsieur Piet, theese safari was everything dat I was looking for and I promise you my friend dat I will return with le brother, for how you say, another safari with yu./"

Piet looks across the fire at the Frenchman, reaches for his full glass of brandy and coke and downs it in one shot.