

Morning brings with it the joyous buzz of people as the majority of the village follows Piet and company back to the kill site, their singing mingles with the songs of the birds, and the chatter of the monkeys. The dead feline is tied by her feet to a strong branch, and four young men carry the body of the killer back to the village, which is then loaded into the back of Piet’s Land Rover, alongside the body of her last victim, ready for the trip back to Ranger Head Office as well as normality.

No one noticed the large spoor left by the male around the dead body of his mate, as when the villagers spotted the dead cat they had surged forward wanting to attack the body with rocks and sticks and beat it. Piet and the trackers had to prevent the villagers from beating at it in anger and frustration at the fear it had thrown over them, and so the black mane killer was left to hunt again.