

For two nights Eve has sought the safe refuge of a fork in a large tree while both Romeo and Juliet have slept at the base. The two Ligers have managed to kill again while Eve has taken to robbing birds’ nests of their eggs and relying on wild berries to keep her hunger at bay. The call of the mountains is strong, and in an effort to avoid contact with anything human the hybrid and her companions have moved off the narrow bush trail and now make their way through the tall savanna grasslands.

A deep rumbling comes to her ears from beyond a thicket of acacia trees and with a restraining hand on both big cats Eve comes to a halt…the sound of branches being broken, bark from the trees being pulled off and the snap of leaves coming loose as the hidden creatures feed. Cautiously the humanzee leads the two felines away from the thicket, moving around the area for this is something she has had no contact with and her nerves are stretched to the limit.