

---Apparently stealing from giants is a bad idea... duh-02

We were close to the safe ground, but still too high for me to fall and probably break a leg or my head. But apparently in Knox's terms that was safe, so he just dropped me.

I get it. He got tired of holding me, even though I was the definition of scrawny, but you don't just let your spirituality linked bro fall when there is a chance I can break my freaking skull.

Fortunately I fell on a few bushes and that cushioned my fall, but with my luck those bushes of course had to have thorns. A lot of them.

/"I hate you./" I glared at Knox, who changed from the huge black eagle into a small black kitten and jumped on my shoulder.

/"Oh shut up. It's all your fault./" His voice was tired and I felt bad for him. After all he was right. My kleptomania got us in big troubles all the time. And most of the time Knox had to get us away from whoever was following us.

/"Whatever./" I took the backpack off my shoulders (weirdly it somehow had managed not to slip off while I was falling like... three times? In one day? Wow. This should be a record) and took the mirror out of it. It was perfectly fine, not even a crack anywhere. It still scared the crap out of me but at least it wasn't ordering me to do things like for example dance the Macarena. Grinning I put it in the backpack. /"Go to sleep. I will wake you up when we reach home./"

Knox didn't hesitate and went inside my backpack as well and started to purr immediately drifting to sleep.

Thankfully, we weren't too far from home, so at least I didn't have to walk too much, which was a blessing to me. Running from a giant and almost dying a couple of times, it is really tiring. So I was exhausted when we were finally in front of the cave.

Yeah, I live in a cave. Deal with it.

I had to work on a few tricks to make the entry of the cave invisible, because the last thing I want, is for all the angry creatures or humans that want to hurt or even kill me, to find where I live. So a projector did the job. It made the entry of the cave look like a boring mountain chilling like mountains usually do.

I walked inside and the lights went on, along with the heater. Even though it was summer, the cave was cold so the heater was necessary every time I was in here.

The cave isn't what you would exactly call a luxurious place to live in. But it is comfy, and once the heater is on... it is warm too. The perfect place (at least for me) to live in. In the middle of it is the fire place, a perfect circle of stones with burnt wood in there, still radiating warmth. You're probably wondering why I have a fireplace when I have a heater. Well fire is essential, so stop wondering. Above the fireplace, in the ceiling is a hole that got the smoke out of the cave, making the mountain look like a volcano every time I decided to have marshmallows.

In the right is my bed which is as comfy as a bed in a cave can get. The mattress is inside the wall of the cave, in a kind of rectangular shape that looked like it was yawning. Next to the bed is my closet with all the clothes I owned which means half of it is empty. Far in the corner is a short tunnel, which led to a small room, which I decided it is perfect as a bathroom. The bathroom isn't much either, just a small shower and when I do my personal stuff the plumping actually works, so to me is perfect.

In the left part of the cave are all the important stuff. The whole wall is turned into rafts to keep all the medical plants, and mechanical pieces, wires, broken robots (I broke them because I needed the pieces for my stuff. What? You thought the projector made itself?) and there are books. My little treasures. Since the technology became the new hit, books just gradually disappeared which was such a tragedy for me, I cried for two days, but eventually had to stop because Knox kept complaining I wasn't letting him sleep. I wasn't even born when the books stopped being published, so when I found out... it was a dark time of my life. But thankfully there were still books around, if you knew where to search for, so finding those books kind of became the reason why I get out of the cave. That and the fact that I have to get food or other unimportant stuff like that.

In the corner is a computer and a few screens, with live images of the outside of the cave and a few places like the centers of a few cities and the small room in the city of Bigfeet, where I hide the money my parents left me before disappearing when I was five. They probably died or decided I wasn't worth it and left. But at least they left me money enough to live for a few years without starving. I didn't really used the money, since I didn't want help from people who weren't there when I needed them the most. But yeah...

I put the backpack on my bed and opened it. Knox was still sleeping in there, after all the almost being killed by a Death-wanna-be dude fiasco, I didn't have it in me to wake him up, so I just took him out of the backpack and let him sleep on my bed.

Then I took the mirror out of the backpack, and gave it a look. It seriously scared me how it made me steal it. Because I swear to God, that the damned mirror made me steal it. That never had happened to me. Things whispering to me? Yeah. Of course. That isn't weird at all. But ordering me and making me steal it? Well... No. Never.

/"Nice stuff you've got there kido./"

The hell!