

---Never trust a man with a lion butt-01

If you think I was blushing because everyone was laughing at the proud face of the little old gnome… yes I was.

But I kind of snapped.

/"SHUT UP!/"

Why did I snap?

Well, Jett is really important to me. I couldn’t let a whole camp laugh at him. They had no right. Not a freaking right.

My voice echoed, and everyone stopped laughing, looking at me confused. Knox saw that coming so he just kind of tried to roll his eyes and ended up rolling all his Amarok head. Even though being scary tall, he looked cute. In my opinion.

I didn’t expect for my voice to echo like that and sound as dark as it did. It actually scared me. Almost like it wasn’t my voice.

And my jeans fell off again.

Come on!!!!

/"You need a belt for that./" Jett commented, pointing at my waist as I grabbed my jeans off the ground AGAIN!