

---How can a corpse run faster than me?-02

I kept seeing those weird dreams, most of which I forget in the morning, but I never told anyone about it. It’s not like there was a particular reason. It was like a feeling. Like it was better if I kept these things to myself.

But it was getting irritating to be an old man half of the time.

This time the dream was more like pieces of memories mixed so confusingly together, it was giving me a headache. Every piece was dark, bad memories of a thousand lives. A guy running and running, being chased, chasing something, fighting, dying, crying… there was a lot of blood, gold… friends and enemies… covered in mist I noticed a girl, smiling at me and I knew she meant something to me, because my heart warmed up, melting like an ice cube in a summer day.

But everything disappeared, when I heard someone calling me loudly. /"Angus!/"