

---I got a piggy back ride by a mercenary-02

A guy, probably my age, short, scrawny (I can relate), with brown hair and running like he was being followed by a bull (again I can relate), was running towards the camp with at least twenty men behind him, armed to the teeth and what was worse about this situation, were the ten Enenras with them.

Let me tell you a few things about Enenras so if you happen to walk into one, you may save at least stand a chance, and by that I mean you have to run like hell the second you spot one. Those were formless creatures of smoke and shadows, looking like demons with red eyes, the one you see only in your nightmares, but with my luck of course I had to face one. They don’t usually stick around during the day because they prefer darkness, but that doesn’t mean they can’t kill you one beautiful summer day.