

---Status: Currently dying of boredom-03

Nova stayed alone, but that was because she wanted it to be like that.

Something in me knew it was because of Rodor. The brat always stayed alone in his previous lives. Worked alone. Trying to be mighty all on his own. Brat. But I hated being left out. And yet again I couldn’t force anyone to be my friend. Expect Nova. With Nova was different. She challenged me.

Sighing, I walked to the Baku I would be riding. Knox had dozed off on my head again. At this point, I had gotten so used to him being on my head all the time, I felt like he was part of my scalp. Sometimes I even forgot he was there. I had to wait two years (well more like a year and a month, but I’m trying to be a little dramatic here) for him to stop sleeping and help a little bit more around.